Today I had a wonderful idea as to what I could create from the left over pasta dough & butternut squash filling that I had left over from the ravioli recipe the other day. I basically thought to "deconstruct" the ravioli, using the filling as the "sauce" then adding a few more ingredients for flavor & texture.

First I just rolled out some of the pasta and cut it with my pizza cutter into small strips (think fetuccini or smaller).

cooking pasta

As the noodles were cooking I slowly heated up a tablespoon of butter, about 1 cup of the filling and about 1/4 C of milk. Once that was incorporated I added about 1/3 C of frozen peas and about 3 TBSP of crumbled bacon.

butternut with peas

Once the pasta cooks add it to the filling and toss. At this point you also want to add a spoonful of the pasta water.

toss the pasta

I served mine with cracked black pepper & a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

pasta w butternut filling

It was so simple and the sweetness of the squash & peas was nicely balanced by the salty & smoky bacon. Enjoy!

close up

xo diane


apetkoff said...

Terrific fall dish. I could eat it right off the screen it looks so delicious! And so easy to make!

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