Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just a quick note...

I have another recipe and meal in the just seems to get in the way sometimes (which I am grateful for).

I will be going out of town this weekend to my Dad's house to do a little grilling with my sister and her kids before they head back to Europe. (Paris to be exact...lucky.) We're going to be making our family's favorite marinated flank steak which is to die for.
Here is a pic to get you going, not of my actual steak just yet:

flank steak

So I think instead of doing a pantry thing, I might just let you know what we make while I'm there. I'll take photos and post a recipe or two when I get back in a few days. So many great things in the works.

Have a great weekend y'all and I'll see you on the flipside!

xo Diane
contact: thepantrychallenge[at]gmail[dot]com


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