Wednesday, February 24, 2010


When I was in Paris this past Holiday season my sister whipped up these little choux pastries called gougéres and they were incredible! I just had to get her recipe & try them myself. They simply melt in your mouth with buttery goodness.


Here are the ingredients for this recipe:


Preheat your oven to 400ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper & set aside.

In a saucepan heat 1/2 C milk, 1/2 C water, one stick of unsalted butter (cut into tablespoons) and a large pinch of coarse salt until boiling.


Add 1 C of all purpose flour and stir it in with a wooden spoon until a smooth dough forms; stir over low heat until it dries out and pulls away from the pan, about 2 minutes.


Move the dough into a mixing bowl; let cool for about one minute. Beat 4 eggs into the dough, one at a time, beating thoroughly between each one***. Add 1 C shredded Gruyére cheese and a pinch each of ground black pepper and ground nutmeg.

***It is important to add the eggs one at a time and wait for them to become incorporated into the dough separately. Don't worry if it looks a little curdled at first, the dough will eventually come together nicely.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2" tip and pipe tablespoon-size mounds onto the parchment paper about 2" apart.


Top with a bit of extra shredded cheese.


Bake for 22 minutes or until the tops are golden brown and puffy. Enjoy!



This recipe makes quite a bit of these little beauties. They can also be filled too. Gougéres freeze well, so once they have cooled completely they can be stored in an air-tight container in your freezer for a few months. To reheat them, place them on a baking sheet in a 350ºF oven for a few minutes until hot.



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