Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cardamom Ice Cream

I had been craving this for quite some time, so I decided to just go ahead and make it!
A simple blend of milk, cream, sugar & cardamom pods produced such a lovely flavor.


There are no step by step photos for this one since it was so easy...and I didn't take any during the process.

• In a medium saucepan heat 2 cups heavy cream, 2 cups whole milk and 15 whole cardamom pods (crushed with seeds exposed) to simmer stirring occasionally. Since my pods were a little older I also opened up about 8 additional ones, ground the seeds with my mortar & pestle and added that to the liquid which produced a perfect cardamom flavor. (I would test the flavor before adding in too much.)

• Simmer for about 5 minutes then remove from heat, stir in 1 1/2 C sugar until sugar dissolves completely.

• Let mixture steep for about 25 minutes then with a fine mesh strainer, strain out the cardamom pods add 1 tsp. vanilla extract and chill base overnight. It is very important to have a VERY cold base. The faster the mix freezes, the smaller the ice crystals will be, and the smoother the texture.

• Pour the mix into your ice cream maker and let run about 25 - 30 minutes until you have a thickened base. Transfer into containers and let freeze until ready to serve.


xo diane
Wednesday, February 24, 2010


When I was in Paris this past Holiday season my sister whipped up these little choux pastries called gougéres and they were incredible! I just had to get her recipe & try them myself. They simply melt in your mouth with buttery goodness.


Here are the ingredients for this recipe:


Preheat your oven to 400ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper & set aside.

In a saucepan heat 1/2 C milk, 1/2 C water, one stick of unsalted butter (cut into tablespoons) and a large pinch of coarse salt until boiling.


Add 1 C of all purpose flour and stir it in with a wooden spoon until a smooth dough forms; stir over low heat until it dries out and pulls away from the pan, about 2 minutes.


Move the dough into a mixing bowl; let cool for about one minute. Beat 4 eggs into the dough, one at a time, beating thoroughly between each one***. Add 1 C shredded Gruyére cheese and a pinch each of ground black pepper and ground nutmeg.

***It is important to add the eggs one at a time and wait for them to become incorporated into the dough separately. Don't worry if it looks a little curdled at first, the dough will eventually come together nicely.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2" tip and pipe tablespoon-size mounds onto the parchment paper about 2" apart.


Top with a bit of extra shredded cheese.


Bake for 22 minutes or until the tops are golden brown and puffy. Enjoy!



This recipe makes quite a bit of these little beauties. They can also be filled too. Gougéres freeze well, so once they have cooled completely they can be stored in an air-tight container in your freezer for a few months. To reheat them, place them on a baking sheet in a 350ºF oven for a few minutes until hot.

I was looking for a simple & chocolaty treat to take to my friend Cristi's house yesterday for The Big Game and I came up with these. Chocolate Chipotle Butter Bites.
Similar to a brownie, these are rich, chocolaty & have just a hint of savory spice, they are just gooey-er than a brownie.


Here are the ingredients for this dish:


Start by pre-heating your oven to 325ºF. Combine 10 TBSP of butter, 1 1/4 C sugar, 3/4 C + 2 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 tsp salt & 3/4 tsp chipotle powder in a medium heatproof bowl and set the bowl in a wide skillet of barely simmering water.



Stir frequently until the butter has melted & the mixture becomes the consistency of wet sand. You want to heat it until its hot to the touch.


Remove from heat and cool slightly until it just feels warm. Stir in 1/2 tsp vanilla extract. Add the eggs one at a time stirring vigorously after each one.


Now the batter should look thick & shiny.


Add 1/2 C flour and mix gently until all of the flour is incorporated.


Place the batter into an 8" x 8" square pan that has been lined with parchment paper.


I cut the edges of the parchment down once the batter is in the pan so it doesn't burn.


Bake for 35 - 40 minutes or until a wooden pick is inserted into the center & comes out slightly moist. You want to make sure they are gooey. :)

Cool slightly then lift from pan. Place on a cutting board and cut into about 1 1/2" square pieces.


Dust lightly with powdered sugar & enjoy!


xo diane
This is a simple dish to prepare with a huge pay off. With just a few ingredients and only a few minutes of your time, you can make mussels mariniere for yourself or friends.

Here are the ingredients for this dish:
Mussels, butter, shallot, garlic, dry white wine & parsley.

Start by cleaning your mussels making sure to remove the "beard" from them and only keeping the ones that are closed. Rinse them off in cool water and scrub the outside shells with a brush to remove any debris.

Heat a large pan (that has a tight fitting lid) to medium high heat and add equal parts of butter & olive oil to the pan.


Add your sliced shallots and chopped garlic and sweat them for a few minutes until slightly soft. You don't want to brown them.


Now add your white wine & mussels:


Then cover the pot tightly to steam them for about 4 - 6 minutes. You can shake the pan to disperse them evenly.


You'll know the mussels are ready when they all open up. Discard any that do not open! Now add some chopped parsley and toss in the pan a bit.


Serve them with crusty bread (which is essential to sopping up all that great sauce!) and enjoy!


xo diane