I figured with the holidays here I would share with you one of the easiest recipes that I like to make instead of baking a pumpkin pie. Pumpkin Cheesecake Empanadas have a flaky crust with a moist filling and sweet glaze. This recipe makes 16 empanadas.

Here are the ingredients used for this dish:


Heat oven to 350ºF. In a large bowl blend room temperature creme cheese with 2/3 C brown sugar. Gradually add in 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. ground ginger, 1/2 tsp. ground cloves and 2 eggs. Beat until smooth. Add one 15 oz. can of pumpkin pureé and blend until creamy.


Next you need a can of 8 biscuits. Separate your biscuits into 8 individual pieces. Using a serrated knife cut each biscuit in half horizontally to create 16 rounds of dough. (My dough has yellow pieces in it since it was a "butter" flavored biscuit.)


On a lightly floured surface, roll each piece of dough to about a 4" circle.


Spoon about 1 - 2 Tablespoons of filling onto the center of the dough.


Now fold dough in half over filling and crimp edges with a fork to seal. Brush with egg whites. If you didn't want to use glaze on your empanadas you could sprinkle cinnamon sugar on the top before baking.


Here is the first batch ready for the oven.


Bake them for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Allow them to cool for at least 20-30 minutes.


While they are cooling you can make the glaze. In a bowl measure about 1 C. of powdered sugar and slowly whisk in a small amount of maple syrup until you have a nice glaze consistency. (not too thin!)


Using a fork slowly drizzle the glaze over the cooled empanada & enjoy!


I hope you all have a wonderful & safe Thanksgiving!

xo Diane
I was talking to my friend Caroline the other night and she was telling me about these turtles she was making with walnuts, home made caramel & chocolate. Well, they sounded so good that I thought I'd take that idea and run with it.

So here's my take on a classic turtle. I used semi-sweet chocolate, home made dulce de leche and toasted hazelnuts.

Here are the ingredients for this dish:


Now, what looks like peanut butter is actually a delicious caramel made from sweetened milk called dulce de leche. Here is the recipe I used to make this amazingly delicious, milky, rich, soft caramel tasting goodness that will become the gooey center of this confection.

This recipe is so simple. In a bowl placed over a pan of simmering water melt 8 oz. of chocolate. This could really be any type of chocolate that you like, but my preference is dark chocolate.


Melt the chocolate slowly and stir it until its nice and smooth.


While your chocolate is melting, you want to line mini muffin tins with lining papers.


Once the chocolate is melted you want to spread a thin layer inside the papers on the bottom and then bring it up the sides a bit.


Next, take a small spoonful of dulce de leche and place it inside the center of the chocolate. (You could also use any type of caramel that you like, but the dulce de leche is so good.)


Now add 2 to 3 whole toasted hazelnuts on top of the dulce and press them down into the caramel. You may use any nut you prefer here; peanuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts etc.


Now top the cups with the remaining chocolate and smooth out.


You can place them in the refrigerator to set for about 30 minutes. Making them in the papers makes it easier to serve or give as gifts. I think my neighbors are in love with me now...


Store them in the refrigerator and enjoy!

xo diane