So this one was inspired by my love of Indian & Thai food. I LOVE curries and the complexity of their flavors. Layers & layers of flavors. They are sensuous, unctuous, and completely satisfying. Tangy, Tart, Hot & Sweet is a wonderful cookbook by Padma Lakshmi that really champions these flavor profiles and this recipe is all of those things.

So here are the ingredients:

ingredients for masaman shrimp

Start by cooking your basmati rice. It is recommended that you rinse your rice a few times in cold water to remove the starch that is present. This will ensure that your rice doesn't stick together and stays light & fluffy. While your rice is cooking you can get your sauce made.

Heat a skillet over medium high heat and add the coconut creme, the masaman curry paste and the apricot preserves. Make sure to mix these together well so that there are no lumps in the sauce. It might seem odd to add apricot preserves, but I think it adds just the right amount of sweetness to the dish while also adding a rich flavor. Cook this mixture for about 5 minutes.

simmer paste and coconut

Now add your shrimp and cook for about 5 more minutes until the shrimp are pink and tender. Do not over cook the shrimp otherwise they will be tough and rubbery. Once cooked, remove the shrimp.

add shrimp

Now add the green beans and cook for about 5 more minutes. You can add your shrimp back in right before serving.

add green beans

Serve over the basmati rice and garnish with fresh chives if desired. I think this is one of the most rewarding recipes that I've ever come up with. It so simple and had so MUCH flavor. Feel free to substitute chicken or tofu for the shrimp and add more vegetables if you'd like. Adjust your cooking times as necessary & enjoy!

masaman curry shrimp

Here is the recipe card to accompany this dish:

masaman curry shrimp

xo diane
contact: thepantrychallenge[at]gmail[dot]com
So it's my first day, and I figured I would start out with a dish that uses some pretty classic components. I thought if I work through the easiest dishes first it would get the ball rolling and get me geared up for the challenging dishes yet to come. It also allows me to figure out how I want to proceed with pictures, recipes etc. So bear with me while I discover just how this blog thing is going to go...

In this recipe I've decided to use a few fresh ingredients that I had on hand in the fridge and needed to use up. Hey, at lease I'm getting my inspiration from everywhere. I used some boccancini (small fresh mozzarella balls) and some ricotta cheese.

So let's get started. F.Y.I. there will be a lovely recipe card accompanying each post that you will be able to use. So here are the ingredients laid out:

basic manicotti ingredients

Preheat your oven to 350ºF. Prepare the pasta according to the directions making sure to leave it partially undercooked. It will finish in the oven once its covered in sauce. Mix the ricotta cheese with the basil, parsley, garlic, salt & pepper.

ricotta mixture

Once the pasta is done, remove it from the boiling water and cool it down. Next, fill the pasta with the ricotta mixture. Be careful not to break any of the shells. If you do, you can still use them, just put the seam side facing down. A great tip to use while you are filling the shells is to wet your finger so the cheese doesn't stick.

Grease a small casserole dish and then place about 1/4 C of the sauce at the bottom. This will help prevent the pasta from sticking and will allow the flavor of the sauce to surround all of the pasta.

sauce the bottom

Put the stuffed manicotti into the dish:

stuffed the manicotti

Spoon remaining sauce on top making sure to cover all parts of the pasta. Then top with cheese. (I had some boccancini that I sliced up.)

added mozzarella

Place into oven and bake for approximately 20 - 25 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly. I opted to pull mine out about 10 minutes before it was finished and topped it with some Italian seasoned bread crumbs that I drizzled with some olive oil for browning.

added breadcrumbs

And presto! Baked manicotti!

finished product

There are many variations that you could do with this simple recipe like adding ground sausage, turkey or vegetables to the sauce. I hope you find this recipe quick, simple, & delicious.

Here's the recipe card:

baked manicotti recipe card

xo Diane
contact: thepantrychallenge[at]gmail[dot]com
Lately, it seems like everyone is talking about how to re-organize their lives in an effort to save money in these hard economic times. I have read several articles on this and have since been inspired to attempt a re-organization/purging of my own.

Now, I am not one of those people who lives in a cluttered home, or hoards, or is a "collector" of things that are useless. I'm actually quite organized, donating clothing that I haven't worn in 6 months, recycling old magazines & having garage sales on a regular basis to keep the clutter down. All of this, with the exception of my kitchen pantry & freezer. They are chock full of wonderful items that I seem to "need". I must tell you that I am only one person and even though I adore cooking, I don't tend to eat a huge quantity of food on any given day.

I think it all started when I was a kid. While we were growing up, we didn't have an abundance of junk food, snacks or other frivolous foods hanging around. Instead it seemed like all the money was spent on stocking up on pantry & freezer items that were true necessities. I've apparently adopted that same habit, however, I'm only one person and just don't need that much "back stock" of food. Really.

I must admit that I am an avid cook. I tend to think that the things I have on hand are pretty normal items: rice, pasta, nuts, soups, frozen vegetables, fruits, meat etc. but you may find there are a few "specialty" type goodies on the list as well. My point is that I just want to use the stuff up in the most convenient and tasty way that I can. I will also allow myself (of course) to use all of the seasonings & condiments that I have on hand. (vinegars, oils, spices, etc.)

So here's the challenge that I'm posing to myself. Make at least one meal per day using ingredients from my pantry (and/or freezer) and make a simple and delicious dish that I can share with you here.

I will start with posting a list of the items I have in the pantry, the freezer and the stock list of condiments etc. that I have at my disposal. As I go through the ingredients, I will move them onto a "used" list and recipes will be archived as well. Basically I just want to use the stuff up and have fun doing it.

So wish me luck!

xo Diane
contact: thepantrychallenge[at]gmail[dot]com